Welcome to Chiro Worx, located in Santa Monica, CA, where we understand the high cost and pain associated with auto injuries. In fact, experts estimate that over $30 billion is spent annually to treat pain and disability resulting from rear-end crashes. We see many of these cases each year in our practice, and our team is dedicated to helping patients recover and prevent future injuries.

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Did you know that many of these types of injuries can be prevented by properly adjusting your head restraint? Research shows that only about 10% of people have a head restraint that’s set up to prevent injury from a rear-end crash. That’s why we’ve created a video below to show you how to adjust your head restraint and protect yourself and your loved ones.

If you’ve already been injured in a crash, it’s important to seek treatment right away to avoid chronic pain and disability. Our experienced staff at Chiro Worx has helped many patients recover from auto injuries, and we’re here to help you too. Contact us today at (insert phone number) to schedule an appointment or to learn more about our services.